Thank you! We love our followers!
Here's a link to our Instagram: @PositivityWater
Here's a article to understand the significance of getting 10,000 Instagram followers:
Magic happens when you get to 10k followers on Instagram.
People take you seriously and recognize your expertise. Instagram unlocks special features for your account and paid opportunities are within your grasp. But…
Only 10.9 percent of Instagram accounts ever get to the magic 10k number!
A 10k follower count on Instagram isn’t just an awareness metric. The milestone comes with an immediate, tangible benefit.
Once you have 10k followers, Instagram will make it easier for you to get people to your website via Stories with the swipe up to link feature.
Swipe up is the only way to get a direct link from your Instagram to your other web properties. And, it’s available in STORIES, if you have 10k followers.
The swipeable link in stories lets you send people to your blog, your ecommerce page, or your email signup list, without requiring the visitor to click to your bio first.
The feature alone is a game changer!
Source: Mari Smith